Learn how civic involvement makes a difference as state officials address Nebraska homeschoolers!
February 13, 2019 — SAVE THE DATE, 8:00AM – 11:00PM
The full Legislative Day Agenda will be posted as agenda details become available.
This is the day to bring your children to the state capitol and have them learn about the legislative process. Features of the day include:
- Take a tour of the Capitol
- Visit your senator
- Observe the Legislature in session in the Norris Chamber
- Warner Chamber Events:
- Hear Executive Branch officials discuss issues
- Learn about the Judicial Branch from a Nebraska Supreme Court Justice
- Listen to Legislative Branch Senators talk to you about important bills and issues
- How to Interact with your senator – NCHEA Legislative Liaison Dave Lostroh
- Hear NCHEA discussion of legislative issues
- Meet other government officials
- Attend Legislative hearings
Additional items will be added to the list and a full agenda will be added to this page as they are confirmed!
This event is free and open to all homeschool families in Nebraska.