Learn how civic involvement makes a difference as state officials address Nebraska homeschoolers!
February 22, 2017 — SAVE THE DATE, 8:15AM – 12:00PM
See the full Legislative Day Agenda below.
This is the day to bring your children to the state capitol and have them learn about the legislative process. Features of the day include:
- Take a tour of the Capitol
- How to Interact with your senator – Dave Lostroh
- Visit your senator
- Observe the Legislature in session in the Norris Chamber
- Listen to Senators talk to you about important bills and issues
- Hear Executive Branch officials discuss issues
- Learn about the Judicial Branch from Nebraska Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Mike Heavican
- Hear and meet HSLDA attorney for Nebraska, Dan Beasley
- Meet other government officials
- Panel Discussion: Homeschool graduates in government service discuss their jobs — with Q & A session
- Hear NCHEA discussion of legislative issues
- Attend Legislative hearings
This event is free and open to all homeschool families in Nebraska.
We encourage families to contact their Senator’s office before Legislative Day to set up their own appointments. In order to find your Senator:
- Enter your street address, city, state, and zip code at: https://nebraskalegislature.gov/senators/senator_find.php. Your District Number and Senator (with photo) will be shown, then press “Web Page” under the photo to go to your Senator’s web page. There you will find contact information along with much more.
- Appointments with your Senator may be scheduled for any time of day, however, the Senator will probably not accept an appointment while the Legislature is in session. Sessions usually run from 9:30 or 10:00 until 11:30 or 12:00. Senators may be called out of the Legislature for a few minutes in order to talk with constituents; doing so requires filling out a short form at the Sergeants-of-Arms desk by the Norris Legislative Chamber door.
Events of the Day
8:15AM – 12:00PM Registration
When you arrive, please register at the NCHEA table by the Warner Chamber (just east of the Rotunda) on the main floor. The first family to register from each district can pick up a packet of homeschool information to deliver to their Senator and his/her office staff. Families may bring their own home baked cookies or other treats for their Senator and his/her staff. Thank you notes by you and/or your children would also be appreciated by your Senator.
We are posting the contents included in each senator’s packet linked immediately below so that all families can review and articulate what is in packet by studying information ahead of time.
- Letter from the NCHEA President
- A Historical Perspective on Home Education and Parental Rights in Nebraska, NCHEA
- Home Schooling Achievement, HSLDA by Brian D. Ray, PhD., National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), © 2001 by HSLDA https://nche.hslda.org/docs/study/comp2001/HomeSchoolAchievement.pdf
- Homeschooling Grows Up, HSLDA by Brian D. Ray, PhD., National Home Education Research Institute, © 2003 by Brian D. Ray, https://www.hslda.org/research/ray2003/HomeschoolingGrowsUp.pdf
- Homeschool Progress Report 2009, HSLDA by Brian D. Ray, PhD., National Home Education Research Institute, © 2009 by HSLDA and Brian D. Ray, https://www.hslda.org/docs/study/ray2009/2009_Ray_StudyFINAL.pdf
- Research Facts on Homeschooling, 2013, by Brian D. Ray, PhD., NHERI
8:30 – 8:45AM Warner Chamber , “How to Interact With Your Senator” Dave Lostroh, NCHEA
9:15 – 10:15AM Warner Chamber
9:15 – 9:30AM Dan Beasley, HSLDA Staff Attorney for Nebraska
9:30 – 9:45AM Legislative Issues Discussion and Q&A
9:45 – 10:15AM Panel Discussion: Homeschool graduates in government service panel
Katie Bartels (Lincoln Office Mgr. for U.S. Senator Ben Sasse)
Dan Beasley – HSLDA Staff Attorney for Nebraska
Hadassah Moore (Admin. Assist., Senator Laura Ebke’s Office, Dist. 32)
Alex Gage (Admin. Assist., Senator Steve Halleran’s Office, Dist. 33)
Taylor Gage (Public Relations Director, Office of the Governor)
10:15 – 11:00AM Break from Warner Chamber Programs, suggested actions on your own.
- Watch Senate Floor Debate in the Norris Chamber balcony.
- Visit Senator’s office or call Senator out of Legislative session.
- Tour Capitol on your own (the outdoor Observation Deck and Memorial Chamber are located on the top floor and are not a part of the guided, hourly tour.)
11:00AM – 12:00PM Warner Chamber: Three Branches of Government
Executive Branch
11:00 – 11:10AM Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson
11:10 – 11:20AM Jana Langemach – State Treasurer’s Office: Assistant Treasurer & Communications Director
Judicial Branch
11:20 – 11:35 Chief Justice Michael Heavican, Nebraska Supreme Court.
Legislative Branch
11:35 – 11:40 Senator Mike Groene, Dist. 42, North Platte
11:40 – 11:45 Senator Lydia Brasch, Dist. 16, Bancroft
11:45 – 11:50 Senator Laura Ebke, Dist. 32, Crete
11:50 – 11:55 Senator Bruce Bostelman, Dist. 23, Brainard
11:55 – 12:00 Senator Steve Erdman, Dist. 47, Bayard
12:00PM – End of NCHEA Legislative Day Program
12:00 – 5:00PM Available Capitol/Lincoln Activities
- Attend a Capitol building guided tour on the hour: 1:00PM, 2:00PM, 3:00PM, 4:00PM (starts by the North door, Main floor).
- Attend a Senate Committee Hearing:
Check the Legislative Day hearing schedule at https://www.nebraskalegislature.gov/calendar/hearings.php?day=2017-02-22. The various hearings are displayed by committee with start time, hearing room, and bills to be heard. Be sure to re-check a few days prior to the NCHEA Legislative Day.
- Visit your Senator or speak to Senator’s office staff if Senator is not available.
- Visit the University of Nebraska State Museum (Morrill Hall), 645 N 14th St, Lincoln, NE
Museum Hours: 9:30 AM-4:30 PM
Museum Information: (402) 472-2642;
There is an admission charge, see https://www.museum.unl.edu/museum_info/index.html
- Visit the Nebraska History Museum,131 Centennial Mall North, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Admission is free, but a $2 donation is appreciated.
Hours: 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.