

NCHEA 2020 Teen Conference:      Convincing Proof!

After His suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He ap­peared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the king­dom of God.      Acts 1:3

Does God exist? Is Jesus God? Is the Bible from God? Come learn how to de­fend the truth! Get equipped with good reasons and evidence to believe God does exist. Learn the arguments for God from first cause, from design, and from morality. Discuss common objections against God like the problem of evil and evolution. We’ll be utilizing an apologetics book for teens called “Living Loud: Defending Your Faith” by Norman Geisler and Joseph Holden.

Friday: Check-in 8:30 a.m., Conference 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Saturday: Check-in 8 a.m., Conference 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Speakers:   Timothy Schmidt and Adam Lloyd Johnson

Click HERE for brochure with full details.

Click HERE for 2020 Teen Conference Indemnification Agreement.

Click HERE for 2020 Medical Release Form.

Teen Conference registration is closed.

Note: Parents/Guardians are required to pre-register for the NCHEA’s adult conference for their teen(s) to participate in the Teen Conference.